Year of Birth:
Rosa Anna Buonomo was born on June 03 , 1984 in Piedimonte Matese (CE).
Higher Education Qualifications:
Three-Year Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Literature
Specialized Degree in Modern Philology.
Master in Journalism.
Professional Qualifications:
– Journalist
– Writer
– Teacher
Awards and literature competitions:
The writer has participated in many awards and literature competitions.
Among the most importants and famous , we remember:
– Award “HISTONIUM” (Vasto)
For the novel “Energya”
Special Award
Editorial publications:
– Fantasy novel “Energya”
Novel written with the journalist and writer Anna Di Donato.
Theatrical and musical performances:
-“Snaturate-Storie di donne in manicomio”
Authoress: Rosa Anna Buonono
Alessandra Portinari (Giornalista)